Travel at High Altitude
produced and published by Medical Expeditions volunteers

Medical Expeditions has produced a booklet which is freely available to anyone. It is written in very simple English and has lots of practical advice for those venturing to altitude. Two resolutions are available as Adobe PDF’s depending on the speed of your connection. The booklet may be printed or copied as required.
There are 2 versions of the Travel at High Altitude booklet available for download – booklet and A4.
For those people who have printers capable of printing in duplex mode (printing on both sides of the paper), the “A5 booklet” versions will be better. These allow the entire booklet to be printed out in the correct order so that the sheets can be stacked, one on top of another, and stapled together. It will be necessary to ensure that the “flip” – long edge or narrow edge is set correctly so that the print on both sides stays the same way up. Experiment with just a few pages to ensure it is working correctly. On printers where you have to turn the paper and feed it back in again yourself, you will again have to make sure you turn the pages over in the correct way.
The A4 versions are ordered according to the page number and can be used when duplex printing is not available. These are formatted with two pages per sheet in page order, and should ideally be printed out on A4 paper, otherwise the images and text will be very small.
English A5 booklet: High resolution (4MB)
English A4: High Resolution (4MB)
English A6 edition suitable for iPAD
French A4 booklet edition: High Resolution (2MB)
French A6 Edition Suitable for iPAD (2MB)
German A4 edition: High Resolution (4MB)
German A5 edition: High Resolution (4MB)
German A6 Edition Suitable for iPAD (2MB)
Spanish A5 booklet: High resolution (4MB)
Spanish A4: High Resolution (4MB)
Spanish A6 vesion suitable for iPAD (2MB)
Greek edition: High Resolution (4MB)
Greek A5 edition: High Resolution (4MB)
Greek A6 edition suitable for iPAD (2MB)
Serbian edition: Low Resolution (0.7MB)
Nepalese edition: Final version
Italian A4 edition: High Resolution (2MB)
Italian A5 edition: High Resolution (2MB)
Chinese edition: (2MB)
Chinese A6 version for iPAd
Polish A4 edition: High Resolution (2MB)
Polish A5 edition: High Resolution (2MB)
Dutch A5 edition: High Resolution (2MB)2nd edition July 2014
Dutch A4 edition: (2MB) 2nd edition July 2014
Dutch A6 Version suitable for iPAD (2MB) 2nd edition July 2014
Czeck edition: (2MB)
Czeck A4 edition
Czeck A6 version for iPAd
Swedish A4 edition: High Resolution (2MB)
Swedish A6 edition: High Resolution (2MB)
Travel at High Altitude in Russian: Travel Safe High Altitude Russian v3 booklet.pdf
Travel at High Altitude in Russian: Travel Safe High Altitude Russian v3 A6.pdf
Japanese A4 booklet edition: High Resolution (2.4MB)
Japanese A6 Edition Suitable for iPAD (2.4MB)
Swahili: Travel Safe High Altitude Swahili Booklet.pdf
Swahili: Travel Safe High Altitude Swahili A6.pdf
If you would like to help publicise this booklet then please feel free to download one of our flyers:
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